Feargal Og
Farewell to Munster
Farewell to you, men of Munster, I do not intend to remain; although it is
hard for me to go away from you I will make for the land of Oileach now.
Since I must go north, farewell to you before I depart, a heartfelt farewell
from me to you before going to Derry, a decision already made.
The men of Munster, of the fine houses, are a comely host among which wine is
short-lived, warriors accustomed to bestowing their drinking-horns--farewell
from me to each one of them.
There are few lands fit to be compared to the plain of Munster, of smoothest
surface; since I am exchanging the province, I will not leave it without
drinking its health.
Since I am going to Tir Chonaill, farewell to the smooth green land of fair
houses and swans, of scanty streams and of horses, the territory of the son of
Macnia of the generous houses.
Farewell to its castles which are worthy of love, farewell to its low-voiced
rivers, farewell from me to its gold cups-- often a party oF poets left it,
needing nothing.
It is right to mention my friends in whose huts I used to lie? I saw no
ebbing of their understanding--farewell to them from me before I go away.
May Peter and Paul and the apostles bring me safe from the strength of my
enemies to see heaven of the nine orders, may they be speaking for me against
the demands of justice.
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